Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mars: God of War (~by jdmwu)

Mars: God of War (by jdmwu)
Mars was the Roman god of war, the son of Juno and a magical flower (or Jupiter). Since the word is not Indo-European origin, it is most likely romanized version of the Etruscan god Maris (Maris).

Mars - Roman god of war, and one of the most prominent and gods that have ever worshiped. In early Roman history he was the god of spring, growth in nature, and fertility, and protector of cattle. Mars is also mentioned as an underground god (earth god) and this could explain why he became the god of death, and finally, the god of war. He - the son of Jupiter and Juno.

Judgement (~by IJ Nakano)

Judgement (by IJ Nakano)

Anubis, in Egyptian mythology, the god and protector of the dead, the son of the god of vegetation Osiris and Nephthys, the sister of Isis. Newborn Anubis Nephthys hid from her husband Seth in the swamps of the Nile delta. Mother goddess Isis found the young god, and brought him up.

Zeus (~by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias)

Zeus (by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias)

Zeus - the supreme god of ancient Greece, the father of the gods, men and heroes, the head of the Olympic family of gods. Zeus - originally a Greek deity, his name is purely Indo-European origin and means "bright sky". In antiquity, the etymology of the word "Zeus" was associated with the roots of the Greek words "Life," "boiling," "Irrigation," then, after that everything exists. 

Nike goddess of victory (~by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias)

Nike goddess of victory (by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias)

Nike, the goddess of victory - it's later works of the poetic imagination of the Greeks. Homer does not know it, and only Hesiod gives her pedigree. Since Nick's daughter titan Pallas and the goddess of the underground river Styx, is in Greek mythology. This black-haired girl with large wings on his shoulders. It is present during the battles and competitions fighters, takes the victim after the victory, flying over the earth with the news of the happy end of the war, sounds Surma proclaiming the triumph of the heroes. She was particularly fond of Alexander of Macedon, which had created the Nike, the goddess of victory, and the altars at every stage of their valiant campaign. All the later kings adorned their monuments of this beautiful cruise special.Nike, the Goddess of Victory (Victoria)

Ares (by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias)

Ares (by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias)

One name Ares the Greeks fear, though in the guise of a god, his worn, there was nothing disgusting. Disgusting was the fact that Ares hated Eyrene, the goddess of peace, and was inseparable from Eris, the goddess of discord malicious, furious that rejecting another Eridu, honored by people who forced them to compete not in battle, but in the peaceful labor. Gods and men despised the brutal and violent god of war. And he was so not like other gods, the wise and prudent, that its origin is controversial, and considered the birthplace of Thrace, a country with a harsh climate and less harsh people.

INTI (by Mauricio Herrera)

INTI (by Mauricio Herrera)

Inti - the sun god in the mythology of the Inca and the patron Tawantinsuyu. The exact origin of the image of this god is unknown, the most common version of the mythology of the Incas, he was the son of Viracocha, the god of civilization.

Anubis (by Mauricio Herrera)

Anubis (by Mauricio Herrera)

In Egyptian mythology, the god of the patron of the dead, the keeper of poisons and drugs. Depicted as a lying jackal black. Or wild dog Sabu, who lives in the desert. Or black hunting dog with a fluffy tail. Or as a jackal-headed human or a dog. Zoological species, whether a dog or jackal, the Egyptians certainly not observed, but presumably he is himself a mixed creature - a cross between a wild dog, wolf, jackal and a person. For information about eats corpses dragons have caused it to be considered members of the family dog ​​symbolic animal death and conductors in the lower world. Anubis is often holding a character "Ankh" ("life"). This divine guardian of the way into the realm of the dead, depicted in black, ie, the sacred color of the resin for embalming, which symbolizes the belief in the continuation of life in the hereafter. Originally Anubis - the god of death and Tinitskom Kinopolskom nomes (provinces). Center of the cult of Anubis throughout the history of ancient Egypt was the city of Kassa, the capital of 17 verhneegipetskogo nome (Greek name of the city - Kinopol, ie "City Dog"), but his reverence for early spread throughout Egypt.

God Ra (~by Mauricio Herrera)

God Ra (by Mauricio Herrera)

Ra, Re, in Egyptian mythology, the sun god, embodied in the form of a falcon, a huge cat or a man with a falcon head, crowned with a sun disc. Ra, the sun god, was the father of Uadzhit, North cobra that protects the pharaoh from the burning rays of the sun. According to myth, the beneficent daytime Pa, illuminating the earth, floating on the heavenly Nile barge Mandzhet evening transplanted into the barge Mesektet and it continues its way through the underground Nile, and in the morning, beating a nightly battle snake Apophis, will reappear on the horizon. A number of myths about Ra associated with representations of the Egyptians about the change of seasons. Spring bloom of nature heralded the return of the goddess of moisture Tefnut, the Eye of fire glowing on the forehead of Ra, and her marriage to Shu. Summer heat was due to anger at the people of Ra. According to myth, when Ra was old, and people stopped him to read and even "conspired against him

TEFNUT (by Mauricio Herrera)

TEFNUT (by Mauricio Herrera)

Egyptian goddess, sister and wife of Shu (see), the daughter of Tum, the god of the sun. Represents an artificial female addition Shu, the god of air, is depicted, like him, in the form of a lion or a lion's head, part of the image of both of them in the form of seated facing in different directions lions, which is drawn between the horizon and rising sun. Keba mother and Nut, the earth and sky represented the moist air and moisture in general. In the Cevennes mixed with Sekhmet (see), in Tinys bore the epithet "Mehit"- "north".

SET (by Mauricio Herrera)

SET (by Mauricio Herrera)

According to Egyptian mythology, the god Seth was the god of the desert and the personification of evil. Seth's parents were Geb and celestial goddess Nut. According to the myths and legends, the god Seth, who want to master the sister of his brother Osiris and take away his earthly throne. Primarily for this he made his cunning plan.

tezcatlipoca (by Mauricio Herrera)

tezcatlipoca (by Mauricio Herrera)

Tezcatlipoca- in the mythology of the Aztecs and Maya is one of the three main gods, the patron of priests, punishing the criminals, the ruler of the stars and the cold, the lord of the elements, causing earthquakes, he is a god-demiurge, while the destroyer of the world. God night and all the material in the world, the god of the north side of the world. He carries a magic mirror Itlachiayakue (Itlachiayaque) - "The place from which he looks," which censes smoke and kill enemies, and therefore it is called a "smoking mirror" (Tezcatl - Mirror, Ipoka - smoking).

ZEUS (~by Mauricio Herrera)

ZEUS (by Mauricio Herrera)

In ancient Greece was called Hellas. It was a beautiful country with wonderful climate, washed on three sides by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The highest mountain in Greece Olympia is located in the north of the country. According to Greek legend from ancient times to the great gods of Olympus reign, he built castles on a steep mountain top. In the main palace lived ruler of gods and men, Zeus the Thunderer.

THOR 2 (by Mauricio Herrera)

THOR 2 (by Mauricio Herrera)

Thor - in Norse mythology, the god of thunder storms and fertility. He was one of the sons of the supreme god Odin and the goddess of the earth or Erd Fergyun. Title Warmaul god Mellnir could once does the word "lightning". It must be noted that Thor, the worst enemy of the giants had with them a lot in common. 

ARES (by Mauricio Herrera)

ARES (by Mauricio Herrera)

Ares (in Roman mythology, Mars) - god of war, protector of the Trojans in the Trojan War. Son of Zeus and Hera. Here's a little story about Ares (unless of course you are interested in Greek or Roman mythology):

INTI 2 (by Mauricio Herrera)

INTI 2 (by Mauricio Herrera)
 Inti - sun-god, an ancestor, the dynasties of emperors,