Zeus (by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias)
Zeus - the supreme god of ancient Greece, the father of the gods, men and heroes, the head of the Olympic family of gods. Zeus - originally a Greek deity, his name is purely Indo-European origin and means "bright sky". In antiquity, the etymology of the word "Zeus" was associated with the roots of the Greek words "Life," "boiling," "Irrigation," then, after that everything exists.
"Genealogy Zeus
Zeus - the son of Cronus and Rhea, he belongs to the third generation of gods, overthrew the second generation - the Titans. Father Zeus, fearing to be deposed by their children, swallowing every time just born Reay child. Rhea tricked her husband, allowing him to swallow instead of Zeus, born wrapped stone, and the baby a secret from her father was sent to Crete to Mount dictates. According to another embodiment, Rhea gave birth to Zeus in a cave mountain dictates instructed his upbringing and Kuret corybant, who brought him milk goats Amalfi.
Zeus grew up in Crete, nymphs Adrastea and Ida raised him, fed goat's milk of the divine Amalfi, and the young demigods, Kuret guarding him, striking with lances on the shields, so as not to have heard Kronos, when the baby was crying.
When Zeus grew up and matured, he is using Metis watered Kronos Potion and Mighty Crown burped their children, as well as the stone that Zeus left near Parnassus as a symbol of benevolent deception.
Zeus then began to struggle with his father and the Titans, titanomahiyu, which lasted ten years. He was helped Hecatonchires (storukie ") and the Cyclops, who forged Zeus thunder, lightning and Perun. But this fight is not over. Gaia, Earth Goddess, Zeus sends to her other children, giants, and the monstrous Typhon. Started gigantomahiya, which also won the Thunder.
It was in Crete are ancient symbols of fetish worship of Zeus, Crete: Double Axe (Labrys), magic weapon, which kills and gives life, the destructive and creative force. The image of the double ax is found on ceremonial matters between the horns of a bull, who was also in Crete eoomorfnym incarnation of Zeus (in the form of a bull Zeus kidnapped Europe). Chief resident Labrys Zeus, or Zeus Labrandskogo (cf. etymological kinship names Labrys - Labyrinth), was considered a labyrinth; miksantropichesky monstrous Minotaur - inhabitant of the labyrinth and is one of the incarnations of Zeus of Crete. The image of the archaic approaches with Zagreus Zeus, who later conceived a son of Zeus.
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