God Ra (by Mauricio Herrera)
Ra, Re, in Egyptian mythology, the sun god, embodied in the form of a falcon, a huge cat or a man with a falcon head, crowned with a sun disc. Ra, the sun god, was the father of Uadzhit, North cobra that protects the pharaoh from the burning rays of the sun. According to myth, the beneficent daytime Pa, illuminating the earth, floating on the heavenly Nile barge Mandzhet evening transplanted into the barge Mesektet and it continues its way through the underground Nile, and in the morning, beating a nightly battle snake Apophis, will reappear on the horizon. A number of myths about Ra associated with representations of the Egyptians about the change of seasons. Spring bloom of nature heralded the return of the goddess of moisture Tefnut, the Eye of fire glowing on the forehead of Ra, and her marriage to Shu. Summer heat was due to anger at the people of Ra. According to myth, when Ra was old, and people stopped him to read and even "conspired against himPart of the diadems of PharaohXXI century. BC. er. evil deeds, "Ra immediately gathered a council of gods headed Nun (or Atum), at which it was decided to punish the human race. The goddess Sekhmet (Hathor) in the image of a lioness killed and devoured people up until her ruse was unable to drink red as blood, barley beer. drunk, fell asleep and forgot the goddess of vengeance, and Ra, proclaiming his vicar on earth of Geb, climbed on the back of the celestial cow, and from there went on to rule the world. The ancient Greeks identified with Ra Helios.
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