Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ares (by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias)

Ares (by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias)

One name Ares the Greeks fear, though in the guise of a god, his worn, there was nothing disgusting. Disgusting was the fact that Ares hated Eyrene, the goddess of peace, and was inseparable from Eris, the goddess of discord malicious, furious that rejecting another Eridu, honored by people who forced them to compete not in battle, but in the peaceful labor. Gods and men despised the brutal and violent god of war. And he was so not like other gods, the wise and prudent, that its origin is controversial, and considered the birthplace of Thrace, a country with a harsh climate and less harsh people.
Gods liked to amuse view, watching the battles of mortals. Sometimes they descended to earth to help their pets. For Ares, the war was the raison d'etre, and he never thought about the fact we have it or not. Distraught at the sight of blood, Ares killed indiscriminately, right and guilty. Constant companion of the god of war was the goddess Enio, contributing turmoil on the battlefield.

Sometimes, Ares, mingling on the battlefield with a battling, issued a cry like the cry that burst from the chest of ten thousand men. Hearing this, the soldiers came into a rage and killed everyone who came in their way: the elderly, women and children. They even forgot that life enemies, their wives and children is the price that they can be sold into slavery or to make their slaves. Caught warhorse or a pet - a donkey or a dog, do not give mercy to them. Hear the cry of Ares fighting ceased to be warriors, have become killers.
It is not surprising that the death was considered the culprit of all Ares their troubles, and they came up with the idea that they are not let go until it is pacified Ares. But how to cope with the powerful and besides, even the invisible God? People it was not under force, and they appealed to the two giants. Those are not easily captured Ares, overpowered him and threw him into prison. Thirteen months spent Ares in captivity - a number that was most fortunate, because during these months people have comprehended in his peace work more than seven very happy years. This stems from the new misfortunes of people turned out to be a woman again, this time not by the gods fashioned doll, and her stepmother giants. She gave a place of imprisonment of Ares, and Hermes rescued the god of war.

Ares on Mount Olympus was the secret rival hard-working Hephaestus, his beloved wife 'Aphrodite. The madness of war mingled with the madness of love, and this could not wait for anything good. Born Deimos (Fear) and Phobos (Fear), eternal companions of war. Ares attributed to the generation of one of Erin, the goddesses of bloody revenge, and the Dragon, which fought the Theban hero Cadmus. Connection with the death of a woman at the Ares heroes were born, in the character that demonstrated the features of unbridled savagery and father.

Over all hated Ares, Athena, the goddess of fair and just war. Once she skillfully directed against him spear hero Diomedes, who found an unprotected by armor place and struck Ares stomach. With a wild howl of Ares left the battlefield and came to Olympus with a complaint against Athens. Zeus also did not want to hear explanations of Ares, saying that he is punished by justice and deserves to be not on Olympus, and Tartar.
Ares, Arey (A rhz) - unloved son of Zeus and Hera, god of war, insidious, treacherous, war for war, in contrast to the Pallas Athena - goddess of war and fairer. Originally Ares simply identified with the war and a deadly weapon (the traces of this identification in Homer, Aeschylus). An ancient myth about Ares is evidence of its non-Greek, Thracian origin. Sophocles called Ares "despicable" and calls on God Zeus, Apollo, Artemis and Dionysus hit his lightning arrows and fire. Ancient chthonic traits Ares reflected in the myth of the generation of them, along with one of eriniy Theban dragon slain Cadmus. Even the children of Ares - heroes manifested traits of naked savagery and brutality (Meleager, Askalaf and Ialmen, FLEG Enomay, Thracian Diodel, Amazon). Companions of Ares was the goddess of discord Eris and bloodthirsty Enio. His horses (the children of Boreas, and one of eriniy) had names: Glitter, Fire, Noise, Terror, and his attributes - a spear, torch, a dog, a vulture. His very birth was thought at first purely chthonic: Hera gave birth to Zeus, Ares, without the touch of a magic flower. In mythology, Ares is the Olympic with great difficulty, gets on with it plastic and artistic images, and the laws, although he now considered himself the son of Zeus, and settled on the Olympus.

Homer Ares - god of violent, possessing at the same time, non-relevant features of the earlier romantic love. He yells as nine or ten thousand men, wounded by Athena. It extends along the ground on seven acres. His epithets: "strong", "huge", "fast", "raging," "malicious," "treacherous," "destroyer of men," "destroyer of cities", "stained with blood." Zeus calls him the most hated of the gods, and Ares is not whether his son, he would send him to Tartarus, even deeper than all the seed of Uranus. But at the same Ares is so weak that it hurts not only Athens, but mortal hero Diomedes.

He falls in love with the most beautiful and gentle goddess Aphrodite. On the love of Ares and Aphrodite violation of marital fidelity is often mentioned in ancient literature, and even called the children of this connection: Eros and Anterot, Deimos, Phobos and Harmony. Orphic hymn sings of Ares as the Olympic high deity (though the 65th hymn still draws it in light of the full amoralism). Riotous and immoral, Ares with great difficulty, had assimilated with the Olympic gods, and in his image survived numerous strata of different ages. In Rome, Ares is identified with the Italic god Mars, and in art and literature of the late hour, he is known primarily under the name of Mars.

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