Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mars: God of War (~by jdmwu)

Mars: God of War (by jdmwu)
Mars was the Roman god of war, the son of Juno and a magical flower (or Jupiter). Since the word is not Indo-European origin, it is most likely romanized version of the Etruscan god Maris (Maris).

Mars - Roman god of war, and one of the most prominent and gods that have ever worshiped. In early Roman history he was the god of spring, growth in nature, and fertility, and protector of cattle. Mars is also mentioned as an underground god (earth god) and this could explain why he became the god of death, and finally, the god of war. He - the son of Jupiter and Juno.

According to some sources, Mars - the father of Romulus (Romulus) and Remus (Remus) by priestesses in the Temple of Vesta - Ilia (Rhea Silvia). Because he was the father of the legendary founders of Rome, and thus, the people of Rome, the Romans generally considered themselves sons of Mars.

His main sanctuary - the temple on the Capitol, which he shared with Jupiter and Kvirinus (Quirinus), the temple of Mars Gradyvusa (Gradivus) ("the one who preceded the army in the battle") - this temple was the place where the Roman army gathered before troops went to war, and the temple of Mars Ultora (Ultor) ("the avenger"), located at the Forum of Augustus. Campus Martius (Martius) ("region of Mars"), located outside the city walls, was also dedicated to him.

Here, the army trained and trained athletes. In Reggio the Forum have been saved Romanum 'hastae Martiae' ("lances of Mars"). When these lances 'moved', it was presaged an ambulance war. The warlord, who was to lead an army into battle, was to visit the temple to touch mine saying 'Mars vigila' ("Mars awaken"). How Gradivus Mars, the god walking in front of the army and led troops to victory.

He had a few festivals in his honor. The festival was held on March 1 Marti (Marti). October 19 was held Armilustrium, and in this day weapons soldiers were ritually purified and stored for winter. Every five years the festival Suovetaurilia.

During these celebrations have sacrificed plenty and cleansing rites, were sacrificed as follows: pig (sus), sheep (ovis) and bull (Taurus). February 27 and March 14 was held Equirria. Quinquatrus held on 19 March and Tubilustrium - March 23, which cleaned the guns and war pipes.

Priests of Mars called Salii (Salii) ("Jumpers"), they led a procession through the streets and sang the whole way Saliare. Own priests of Mars known as flamenco Martialis (flamen Martialis).

Mars is depicted as a warrior in full armor for battle, wearing a crested helmet and shield. His sacred animals - the wolf and the woodpecker, and he was accompanied by a fugue, and Timor, the personifications of flight and fear.

Month of March (Martius) is named after him (wars are often started or renewed in spring). His Greek equivalent - the god Ares.

In art, Mars is depicted as an armored warrior with a crested helmet. He also frequently depicted on a chariot with a shield and spear, falling in battle. The shield symbolizes Rome, and according to legend, his shield fell from heaven to save the Romans.

The wolf and the woodpecker are his sacred animals. His children - Fuga and Timor.

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